The Provincial Plan and all…


The Provincial Plan and all local plans under it have 2 major flaws.

1) Public input is not properly reflected given the time frame for input during Covid
2) The 25 year time span of these plans, without review or revision is unrealistic

The Provincial plan umbrellas the local plans, including Peterborough County's plan which governs me. These plans were put through during Covid so public input submitted on these is not properly reflected.

All levels of government and media were harassing the public with mandates and scare tactics to the point that they were scared or mandated not to leave their homes and interact with other people.

The public was totally distracted by family and social emergencies and therefore were not even engaged with your plans.

Also why were the plans to be done over a 25 year time frame with no provision for review and change? This seems unrealistic and that is a long time to live with a mistake given the public input was probably non existent!