I am strongly opposed to the…


I am strongly opposed to the proposed changes that the provincial government wants to make
to the Provincial Policy Statement. Weakening of provincial planning rules will
result in increased sprawl that will threaten farms, forests, other natural areas, and freshwater

The Ford government wants to open land up for housing development but we haven't seen any policy on the kind of housing development the developers are required to build. How do we know they won't build huge, unaffordable single family dwellings with no shopping, necessary community services, schools, hospitals, parks, etc. nearby. Will the development of the subdivisions the Ford government is planning require citizens to drive or will transportation be in place for those who cannot drive or do not own a car. Is there going to be a maximum price on these homes so they are more "affordable" than the ones in the GTA and surrounding areas? Who is going to pay for the infrastructure? Is there any requirement for intensification of the area and for the homes to be energy efficient.

Taking into account the dramatic and traumatic events across the country this summer due to climate change, how can it be beneficial to cut down forests, and disturb our natural environment?

In my humble opinion, the Ford plans need to go back to the drawing board and there needs to be conversation and collaboration with the municipalities the plans are affecting. The people who live in these municipalities know better than those who don't.