To whom it may concern… I…


To whom it may concern…

I would like to comment on the section of bill 97 that has apparently been thrown out…

the severance section.

I am an individual in Oxford County who has family ties to generations of farmers. My mom, my grandfather, his father before him, along with uncles, cousins have been doing it for decades.

My grandfather has recently passed… I have the opportunity to own a piece of his land to build a forever home on and raise my two sons on for the rest of my days. I cannot afford to buy the entire farm land because of inheritance between my siblings. However, I have the opportunity to buy a 2 acre parcel from my cousin who can purchase the land…

Here lies the problem….Oxford County is probably the most strict county when it comes to this. The land division won’t even back my proposal to severe two acres to build a forever home on and raise a family on our families land because it fails to meet their parameters…the actual proposal only takes once acre of actual workable land, the other has an old barn on it and meets requirements for building.

I live in Woodstock…some of the development I’ve seen here baffles me that it can get approved. Townhomes basically being built in people’s backyards, get approved because money talks apparently. However, I have to be denied or jump through hoops to own a piece of land on an already existing family farm because the big dairy farms and agricultural associations are the only ones who have a voice!!

I understand the implications and restrictions with some of their crop farming and operations of big developments being set up close to or bordering their land. I understand it can put a potential complication with some of their operations. However, I haven’t seen it yet. There is literally a city in it self being developed across the street from farms on highway 17 north Woodstock. Again, money talks…

No one is forcing these farms to sell their land and one day them being able to sever a parcel for their kids in this insane housing market might be a good option for them. Kids who may not want to take over the farm, can’t afford to buy other siblings out or simply can’t even afford to buy a house period. This gives them options! They will win regardless because they have the money to buy out the little farms and swallow them up anyways.

No one wants to see pockets of big developments swallowing up our precious farmland. Especially not me…I was born and raised a country kid who would love to give my boys the same experiences and opportunities. Which in turn opens up my house in Woodstock for someone else in need of a good home.

Meet in the middle here…don’t approve three lot severances, how bout only 1 or restructure the rules to make it a little easier for people in unique situations that yes, I’m very fortunate to possibly have.

Thank you for your time…I truly hope this reaches someone and they take the time to read it fully.
