Hello, here is my feedback: …


Hello, here is my feedback:

- Transportation-oriented communities are good because they discourage sprawl and its associated costs (i.e. environmental, infrastructural, etc.). For any new major transit work (like adding a new transit station), please make it mandatory to include some sort of housing project or a mixed use place (housing + retail) if that is possible. (To add on, Canada, generally, has a strong car-centric culture. I think while building new infrastructure, it’s important to account for the alternative modes of transportation, such as bikes and e-scooters, as well as making things easier to access by foot. This will encourage people to use their car less, which would be beneficial for congestion and environment. Also, asking companies to implement more hybrid/remote options might be good for easing congestion.)

- Please look into trying to convert unused offices into either a housing to buy or rent, like this project: https://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/downtown-kitchener-ont-office-building-bei…

- Perhaps asking municipalities to get rid of mandatory parking minimums for development (like they did in Toronto, Edmonton and in other cities around the world). This way it will make it a bit less expensive for developers to build housing.

- I think looking into alternative methods and /or new technologies would help to reduce the cost of housing construction would help (like using 3D printer, for example). Links: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/can-3d-printing-become-a-solution-for… , https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/3d-printed-houses-1.6178421

- I agree that working with municipalities to change the zoning laws to increase densification is a good idea.

- Strong protections for environment and farmlands are absolutely needed as we are in the midst of climate crisis. I think it’s in the best interest of all Ontarians that we have sufficient resources to be able to grow our own food when needed since there is a concern that it might become unsustainable to rely on imports for food sometime in the future (Link: https://globalnews.ca/news/9863235/climate-change-effects-food-security… ). Additionally, disregarding the environment is not wise as there are associated health concerns that would result in additional costs (i.e. people getting sick because of pollution) Link: https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/campaigns/canadian-… . In addition to that, we need to prepare better for the forest fires, as this has become a massive problem this year.