I live in a small rural…


I live in a small rural community west of Kitchener. We are surrounded by farmland which is used for crops that feed people and animals. We cannot afford to pave over farmland with boxy houses or estate homes....keep those to the city limits.

I just drove through many small Ontario towns and cities today, admiring their quaintness, and admiring the farmers working the land to feed us all. Do not take this away just to appease your deep pocketed friends who just want to make a buck on the backs of hard working Ontarians. More development means more roads, more infrastructure that is not in place, more traffic congestion - - keep the developments where there is public transportation, not in farmland.

Our licence plates say " Ontario, Keep it Beautiful"......so Doug Ford.....do just that by keeping our green spaces, our waterways and our farmlands clean and clear. Your days are numbered in office. Listen to the scientists and environmentalists.