I would like to propose a…


I would like to propose a couple of changes to the bait regulations that make a lot more sense than current regulations. I own a fishing lodge on a remote lake and posses a harvester bait licence.

Firstly, if the MNR is serious and wants to ensure that disease and invasive species are not entering lakes they really need to look at why they don't allow people who own cottages or lodges on a remote lakes to catch their own bait if their principle residents is not within the BMZ. They are forcing cottage owners of the lake to purchase their bait which increases the risk of introducing disease and invasive species.

Secondly, allow all minnows that are caught in the lake to be used as bait. For example my traps catch mostly perch minnows, Perch is not a game fish in our lake, it is feed for the walleye and pike in the lake and rarely gets above 3 inches in length. The bait traps are always full of perch minnows and if we were allowed to use the bait we catch it would prevent the need to import gallons of bait for guests to use thus decreasing the risk of disease and invasive species.