This is a criminally harmful…


This is a criminally harmful proposal. Changing the definition of 'affordable' to adjust for local income will directly lead to developers building in wealthy areas, taking advantage of rebates for affordable housing, and claiming that they are contributing to affordable housing targets, when really they have just made another $700,000 condo.

Literal castles in Europe are cheaper than Ontario houses. This proposal will result in fewer houses being affordable to the growing population of Canadians in desperate poverty and will result in more homelessless, debt, and young Canadians choosing not to have kids because they can't afford them.

Moving the goal posts does nothing to change the reality that even 'starter homes' have become a luxury reserved for millionaires. Changing this definition only hides the problem from sight and is an act of legislative cowardice. This proposal only benefits developers and will exacerbate the housing crisis.

Ontario needs regulation on corporate landlords who are jacking up rents, land speculators, a significant tax on vacant homes, and a return to public housing investment, to start. We do not need toxic proposals like this, which hide the real problems Ontarians are facing and will only divert public funds and resources into the pockets of wealthy developers.