I am deeply concerned about…

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I am deeply concerned about this proposed landfill being put near the town of Dresden. Although we’ve been told that since it’s not organic waste, it won’t “smell”, that is only one concern of many. Having a 24/7 operation, with likely over one hundred trucks a day, is going to be noisy and inconvenient for residents and neighbours, and destructive to our roadways. If this waste is coming down the 401, GPS is going to take them right down 21 hwy, directly through town, through the downtown core, past two schools. This is not only inconvenient for drivers, it’s dangerous for kids and pedestrians.

I am also extremely concerned about the environmental and health impact of taking construction materials containing asbestos and likely other designated substances becoming airborne, and leaching into our waterways. Our health matters. This is way too close to a thriving community.

I am also concerned about the wells of neighbours, with some already indicating that the test wells that were drilled by York1 has caused methane to now be detected in their well, when it hasn’t ever been there in the 50 years they have lived there.

Small town folk still matter. This deal feels extremely sneaky, and undermining to those who have lived here their entire lives. Another example of how Toronto is taking over all our small town communities, and not for the better.