To whom this may concern,…

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To whom this may concern,

York 1 has not been transparent with the residence of Dresden Ontario. Their proposal states that they want to become a recycling facility yet according to the Petrolia Lambton Independent newspaper, it will accept waste from residential, industrial, institutional and commercial sectors, including up to 500 tonnes of asbestos a day. It will also include blue box recycling and organic food waste. The proposed site operated much differently years ago, non hazardous industrial waste such as scrap wood, lumber and tree trunks was disposed here. The environmental impact that the new proposal would have on our environment is at a much larger scale with what York1 is proposing now. Five hundred tonnes of asbestos daily is a major health concern for ALL who live in Dresden. Mollys creek and the Sydenham river surround this site. There are several species at risk in the Sydenham river. This proposed site is also less than 1km from Dresden and meters away from surrounding homeowners. According to D-4 Land use on or near landfills and dumps, the evidenced states a maximum distance which adverse effects could be experienced while a landfill is operating is up to 3km. York1 is planning on operating this facility 24/7 less then 1km away from the town of Dresden. Homes are directly beside the proposed lane way for which the trucks would be entering the facility. The transport truck scales will also be adjacent to homes. The noise nuisance from this facility operating 24/7 is a concern. The proposed 700 trucks coming and going is also a major concern. The pollution from transport trucks will have an impact on our air quality. Traffic related air pollution is known to cause serious health damage including asthma, impaired lung development in children, cardiovascular disease, childhood leukaemia p, reduced lung function, preterm and low birthweights in infants and premature death and large diesel trucks are the worst offenders. Air pollution is recognized globally as a major health risk, so with the increased traffic going into our town and surrounding towns, York1 is increasing the health risk of all who live here. Last year we had several special air quality statements, many were the result of the forest fires happening across the country. Now add a significant increase in traffic especially dump trucks the air quality in our region will also increase especially if we continue to have ongoing forest fires. There is no good outcome if York1 is granted permission to operate their landfill at this site. The risk to our environment and our health will be catastrophic if York1 is granted permission to operate and expand the landfill.