I am opposed to the issuance…

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I am opposed to the issuance of an ECA for this project. The proposed project will increase noise emissions and dust emissions in the surrounding area due to truck traffic. As well, there will be excessive wear and tear on the highway. Muskoka region is a tourist destination that will be ruined by these adverse environmental effects. The proposed project may also affect species at risk which was not considered. Migratory birds travel through Muskoka. This proposed may impact their migration which contravention the federal Migratory Bird Act. Finally there is no consideration for the effects on surface and ground water. This proposed project will contaminate the local water and possibly Lake Muskoka. Heavy equipment leaks hydraulic oil not to mention the soil washing process will create oily water that has to be disposed of somewhere. This sort of facility should be located away from water bodies and communities and tourist destinations. Do not grant the ECA.