We thank the Minister for…


We thank the Minister for the EA, however, Our entire community & the neighbouring community strongly oppose this project and are not willing hosts for this project.
I personally do not want my 1861 home in pre-confederation Canada to be now situated in an asbestos & silica perpetual dust cloud, whose origins would be less than 500m from our town line. Our entire town would be in its impact zone.

Would you eat food grown in a place where you know it's continually dusted in asbestos microparticles 24 hrs a day 7 days a week?
Would you eat the fish from a river or Lake Erie perch contaminated with wastewater from soil washing / extreme remediation? I bet you would not, but if this project goes through, you will be, and never know, because our food mfg. plant stock shelves across Canada and internationally.
No one will consciously buy or consume crops from this region of Ontario's burgeoning Landfill Alley, International soy sales to Asia will drop, and ConAgra, Heinze, pc no name pasta sauce mfg plant will leave, killing 300 jobs.

The threat to every farm drawing water from the Sydenham for crop irrigation portends a level of crop & groundwater poisoning our biome could not recover from within a 25-year period.
I know if this goes through & I list my home for sale & when it does not sell the landfill company will buy me out.
When 3000 Ontarians, (2 schools), a medical clinic, and every business collectively Sell at the Exact Same Time, a preventable domestic refuge crisis will extubate the housing crisis, healthcare issues faced by Ontario.

It is unfair of this company to expect our tax dollars to be spent by the province to redesign and construct purpose-built industrial roads by expropriating front yards or farm fields of the communities so this private for-profit corp can truck and dump waste on Dresden.

Will the minister & premier utilize Bill 197 as intended, for Dresden to preserve jobs, food biosecurity, international trade, housing & healthcare stability?