I am acutely concerned about…


I am acutely concerned about the proposed York1 dump in Dresden on many counts. I am concerned about the very negative environmental effects in Dresden and many neighbouring towns/cities. The eventual demise of an entire species in the Sydenham River and other species of animal/fish that will be negatively affected would be so, so sad. This alone is staggering. I wonder about the additional lands York1 is buying and/or has bought and they seem so vague as to the entire extent of the proiect. I was unhappy about the way communication of this project was handled. The dump is so close to our property. I have lived in Dresden for just over two years, moving from London, Ontario. I love Dresden and our way of life here. In addition to all of this, how are we going to accommodate all these proposed trucks using our town roads and creating such pollution and noise from the operation of the dump itself. This will cause traffics jams. Since our town and neighbouring towns are small, there will be aside from all the pollution, traffic interference and traffic accidents, and I think that it will take longer for emergency services (police, ambulances, etc) to get to us. The other concern I have is that this is going to cost us significantly in terms of loss of money associated with real estate property values and may ultimately cause the collapse of farms, with many people wanting to leave the town of Dresden, etc. Who compensates us for the loss in terms of sales of residences. The number of properties for sale has already increased in real estate listings on “realtor.ca” … town of Dresden. I just noticed on this website today that there are already 17 homes listed for sales in Dresden. Despite the fact real estate sales/purchases increase in the spring, the listings are much higher than in the past two years. In addition, this is a farming community. I love being able to buy fresh corn, vegetables, eggs and fruits from local farms directly. If York1’s proposal for the dump is granted, I would have no confidence at all in buying these products locally, as I would be concerned about the water being used to irrigate the farms. If other people feel the same way that I do, this may cause further monetary concerns for our farmers because they also may be affected by this sort of sentiment in terms of their customers and business dealings. Lastly, I would imagine that health and mental health issues will increase substantially. There a myriad of concerns that I have and I feel as though I haven’t adequately addressed all these concerns here, Thank you for reading my comments.