Please demand a full…


Please demand a full environmental assessment and allow Bill 197!! For anyone who has ever been to Dresden, they will tell you it is nothing short of something from a hallmark movie, even referred to as Christmas town. It is such an amazing place to raise a family and there are so many truly wonderful people who live here. Every year we host a summer and Christmas night market that brings in thousands and thousands of people. It is rated one of the top festivals in all of Ontario and it keeps getting bigger every single year, as does our town. We have many thriving businesses, 2 amazing schools, a large food processing factory, countless farms and some of the most amazing neighbours you will ever meet. I feel so proud to be raising my family in this town. Unfortunately, since hearing the plans of york1, my enjoyment and the enjoyment of many others in this town has been significantly affected in a negative way. We are no longer able to enjoy our lives and focus on things we want to do as there is always a big black cloud over or heads knowing that this could all be destroyed tomorrow, and I do not say this lightly. I without a doubt believe that this would completely destroy our town. Who wants to live beside a landfill accepting asbestos and other harmful waste found in old construction sites? I would live in constant fear of me or my family and friends developing cancers or interstitial lung diseases and would no longer feel safe with our water. I also am very worried about contamination of mollys creek and the impact this will have on all the wildlife that lives within it. You do not have to have any scientific background to see how risky putting a landfill this close to a waterway or town would be. Bill 197 was put into effect for a reason and we should not be forced to take Toronto’s waste when we are not a willing host. There has to be a site somewhere that is not metres from so many people’s homes and lives. This will destroy our water, roads, air, soil and enjoyment of our properties and lives. So many of us will want to move but may end up stuck here with the reduction in our property value this will cause, no one wants to live by a landfill. Countless people and public figures have spoken out with their opposition on this project and for very good reason. Doug Ford commented and said if the people don’t want it we won’t do it. Not a single member of our community is in favour of this. We know living this close to a landfill causes adverse health effects, i don’t care what safeguards york1 says they have in place, it’s fact and their methods are not foolproof and will not hold up for many of our concerns. A landfill within metres of an entire town and metres of a major waterway in a floodplain makes no sense whatsoever. Please do everything you can to help us. Thank you so much!