Dear Minister Khanjin, We…


Dear Minister Khanjin,
We don't want this landfill 500 meters from our town of Dresden.
Science shows 5 kilometers is a minimum safe distance from towns.
This 40 Yr Dormant Landfill which had ended its end of lilfe monitoring 20 yrs ago.

I would like to have this project not happen this close to moly's creek
or discharging int our waterways, i.e the sydenham River which surrounds our town.

Dawn Mills Road usage: The infrastructure impidements and lack of acccessability and flooding make this route unfeesable.

Why would you allow the destruction of A historic site at one end of town by the construction of one of the largest landfill / transfer stations at the other end of town.

In lieu of a full rejection of York 1's applications, I would like to see a full Environmental assessment happen as this would be considered a new project