I am writing concerning the…


I am writing concerning the proposed Dump by York 1 less than a km outside of Dresden. I am strongly urging an EA. I am hoping that results will not be skewed in favour of York 1 (money should not talk). This dump is in very close proximity to Molly's creek which runs directly into the Sydenham river and poses a significant risk- to vegetation and the ecosystem (contamination of water, dying of animal and plant life/survival of species at risk). There are over 20 species of fish, muscles and reptiles that are already at risk.

We are a farming community that provides a large amount of produce to families (concern for contamination of soil). This landfill being so close to water sources raises risks of leachate pollution into our soil causing negative impacts to the agricultural sector.

Less than one km from town poses risks for the residents- health concerns- inhaling the toxic materials such as abestos. Issues with noise pollution, traffic congestion, risk for injury to children moving to and from school. I am absolutely disgusted that this is being proposed so close to a town. I am sure employees of York 1 would not want this type of operation placed within a km of their homes.

The Sydenham river has flooded numerous times over the years. Improper landfill management could worsen this situation increasing the risk to aquatic life.

The drilling that will take place by York 1- puts the water wells that nearby residents rely on at risk.
I strongly urge the municipalities and the province to decline the development of this dump. It is our home, not a dumping ground.
