As a 33 year resident of…


As a 33 year resident of Dresden, I do not remember the proposed site ever open as a dump. I do not even remember it as a tile yard.

I do remember it being used as a Waste Wood depot and a Training area for CK Police Services.

I find it rather odd and underhanded that York1 thinks it can just waltz in under very outdated zoning regulations and set up shop.

1. Environmental Concerns are great, there is a river, a stream and much renewed growth that needs to be protected. The former dump usage causef very little environmental impact.

2. Traffic Concerns are substantial. We are a small town and even the smallest increase in traffic is felt. For example, tomato harvest which employs hundreds of local people. The traffic coming in will employee very few local people and create a traffic headache no matter which towns it flows thru. As a trucker I foresee York1 will contract the haulage of these materials to the lowest bidder. And they will paid by the load which creates a need for the haulers to hustle. Speed limits and routes will be be ignored and roads will suffer. Not to mention truck safety and regulation compliance.

3. Families at Risk at every level. Traffic, Noise, Pollution etc etc etc.

4. Health Concerns, non hazardous materials? I don't believe it. Any older building torn down these days will have hazardous materials. How will these effect us?

5. Political Concerns. When will our representatives consult the community first? Since Amalgamation, Dresden being within the first such restructuring, feels ignored in all these processes. How did this plan develop so quickly without our representatives not know about it!!!??