As a resident of Dresden and…


As a resident of Dresden and a person living within 500 m of this proposed site, I do not feel this landfill and waste processing site should even be considered because of it's proximity to the town. However, at the very least, a full environmental assessment must be completed, and if done by York 1, to avoid bias, this assessment should be overseen by the various Ministry departments. The proposed site is not 3.5 kms from town therefore putting all residents at risk from air pollution that will include silica dust and asbestos fibers that York 1 has applied to process on this site. We know there is also risk of water pollution to nearby wells and Molly's Creek which drains directly into the Sydenham River which will put people and the various species at risk in danger from the leachate ponds and soil contamination. There will be considerable pollution from the truck emissions as well as the heavy equipment used. There is also the issue of noise from the trucks and the grinding of concrete and other substances that will be processed here. Dresden and the surrounding towns are not designed to handle the truck traffic either. So what about the decrease in value of our homes and not being able to sit in our yards for the noise, toxic pollution, smell, birds and rats as well as the and caused by this facility??
"Waste is something that nobody wants to think about, but it impacts our daily lives, and it has to go somewhere. Where it goes matters because improperly disposed waste can harm soil, water, air and health: biodegradable waste in landfills release significant amounts of methane, while chemicals can leach from all sorts of everyday products. " This is not the site for this type of facility or landfill. It will have devastating affects on our community and we need a true environmental assessement to prove that.