Dresden needs help against…


Dresden needs help against York 1s proposal for a landfill that is closer to our town than any government documents record as safe.

To think York 1 is going to be able to put a huge dump 0.5 km from Dresden is scary and unbelievable. It is documented that even 3.5 km- 5 km away is not safe.

The damage this landfill will cause to our community is an outrage.

Pollution, air, noise, traffic concerns and definite harm to our water and habitat is alarming.

This 40 year old permit was never used for this and how York 1 is able to use the this zoning needs assessed along with the environmental issues for safety. This landfill will never be safe this close to a town.

Dresden residents are all at risk along with our farmland and growth. Please don’t let this happen to our town.