Doug Ford is advocating that…


Doug Ford is advocating that he listens to the people. If he gets it wrong he will hear about it. Well he has got it wrong about placing a dump within 500 meters of Dresden. No company should be able to avoid the rules and regulations when applying to open a dump near a community. No company is above the law yet we have a company who has indicated no Environmental Assessment is necessary because the land was zoned as a landfill 50 years ago. Long before it was understood how a poorly designed and poorly located dump affect the environment and the residents within 3.5 KM's. Cars driven 50 years ago would not meet todays standards and no one would want to drive one that was a detriment to their health. Every code, rule and regulation written 50 years ago is obsolete in todays world. Yet here we are having to beg the Minister for the Environment to do a full Environmental Assessment. This proposal should have been stopped months ago, but because someone has a bit of pull in Toronto the dump has moved forward. So now we are at a point where it has to be decided whether a full assessment is required. Even thinking that no assessment is necessary is totally insane. As soon as York1 had put their application in a full environmental Assessment should have been triggered. If this proposal moves forward and gets any traction, all actions by York1 and the Ontario Government will be challenged in court. The short cuts taken by York1 and possibly the Ontario Government will come to light and once again, like the Green Belt kerfuffle, it will reflect very poorly on the Ontario Government and a Premier who says he listens to the people.