ERO number 019-8417 I chose…


ERO number

I chose years ago to stay in this area for many reasons rather than Toronto.
Please do not bring Toronto problems and garbage to Dresden !
“I SAY NO for the DUMP in the Town of Dresden and local areas!” I think there are more hidden plans & facts than what they are telling the Community! There are too many conflicting and vague answers!
A Full Environmental Assessment should be done before further use of the site is considered or the whole idea of the Dump be revoked !

Reasons for saying NO to the Dump:
Proximity to a Town
It is too close to the Town of Dresden (less than 1 km away)

Air Pollution
• Concerned as to the increased Odours and Types of Material that could be unloaded.
• Small dangerous particles floating in the air from the site could cause health issues. ie asbestos
• Pollution and added Health concerns with more traffic emissions from all the Delivery Trucks
• Pollutants that possibly could cause problems with agricultural concerns.
• Noise Pollution will definitely increase!

Water Contamination
• Water contamination being so close to a large creek that flows into the nearby Sydenham River.
• In the Spring, the river could flood and drain unwanted pollutants. Molly Creek does back up to
the property and drains towards the Sydenham River that drains by the Wetlands of Walpole Island
onto the St. Clair River.
• Chance of the water table being disturbed by the constant vibrations on the site plus surrounding roads to stir up dangerous minerals below which could filter into the water table or water veins feeding current wells.
• A question was asked at the meeting in-regards to nearby water wells being contaminated. The answer quickly given was “You could connect to the Municipal Water System” Their answer is as much saying “Pollution could happen this is my solution.”
- My thought is: “Why correct it later when it is too late – Correct and Prevent Pollution now from getting worse !”

Traffic & Safety
Although it is possible the trucks will deliver and exit from different routes coming into the North of Dresden site but there will definitely be more traffic regardless! What comes in – Must go out !

Far too many trucks forecasted to be travelling through small towns/villages such as Thamesville, Dresden, Bothwell, Watford, Wyoming, Oil Springs, Reece’s Corner and many more, not to mention just more traffic in the rural farm community.

Being the surrounding area is Agricultural, equipment in the Spring and Fall will be using the same roads to move equipment, products needed for planting in the Spring, movement of harvested grains and vegetable produce to local businesses or factories in the business sections of Dresden.

Who is going to repair the roads with the added traffic and weight of the material being moved to the Dump?

When vehicles are travelling on the previously named Hwy - Hwy 21, there is the added danger of trucks running through Dresden’s two school zones, through the Business section, over an old bridge that will eventually crumble from the weight and vibrations of increased tonnage and usage.
(Who pays for a new bridge as well as roads upkeep and maintenance?).

Also, there are multiple buses picking up students in the rural areas for delivery to the schools in Dresden and Thamesville as well as, delivery to other schools located in a large radius from Dresden.

Business located South of the Dresden Business area do receive multiple large vehicles for deliveries as well as, deliveries going outward. Not to mention the regular customers coming and going into the business for Chick Days, Animal Feeds, Garden & Pasture Seeds, Bagged Fertilizer for lawns/gardens and/or Hardware. It is already a challenge to exit the location for the traffic travelling on Hwy 21. Added to the complexity is the traffic for Tim Horton’s and the Ken Houston Arena with many persons entering and exiting regularly from these locations.
We Do not need added Traffic !

FUNERALS If trucks drive through Thamesville and Dresden, both have funeral parlors on the main road both of which are owned by the same Company. Cemetery processions will be a challenge since one cemetery is by Hwy 21 near Thamesville and the second one is the Dresden Cemetery which uses Hwy 21North to enter Trerice Street just North of the Bridge and the highschool in Dresden. Third is Blackburn Cemetery that is used occasionally, is located along Croton Line which is located
East of IrishSchool Road and Croton Line.

Questions not fully answered by York1 in attendance – Answers were quite vague from the meeting with replies like “We are working on it” or “We are not sure yet”, “We will move it to another landfill”
How do we know what they will do for sure ? They should know the plan already is my opinion.

Who wants to live in a town that is within close-proximity to a Dump?
Concerned citizens in town and in the area, fear their property will definitely drop significantly !
A question was asked at the March 1 meeting “Would you live here if approved?” York1 Representative’s Answer was with a “No Reply” to the question.

• They keep saying it was a licensed Dump already “It’s an Unique Situation” as it opens doors to amendments.
When it first was licensed 50 years ago, the rules and tonnage were different!
How can they change a small licensed dump to be a lot more than planned 50 years ago?
It is still 1 KM away from a Town ! and a bigger dump offers more Health, Safety and
Environmental Issues.

Question: If this Company is stating it is a recycling site, how can they keep ahead of the Tonnes of material being brought into the site daily? Why should they be amending the size of the site if recycling is actually done and not being piled into a horrendous-sized mountain?
• They have said, “Amendments could be made”. Obvious concern: “ Why use fertile Agricultural land that is an important commodity to grow food plus we should not disrupt streams, creeks, rivers and drinking wells. Not only that but endangered plants, trees and species. Too many lives are affected by the mega dump with pollution and housing !