Due to the location of this…


Due to the location of this proposed facility, a full environmental assessment is an absolute must. It is within a floodzone, right next to Molly's Creek that feeds into the Sydenham River and will be parked upon sensitive water wells people are dependent upon. The alone river is home to many endangered species that are found no where else and any incident could decimate them.

The very fact that this is 1km from two schools (the highschool being even closer), a cemetery and many, many homes...Is crazy that it is even being considered to be attempted to be installed. My home is near the highschool and I fully believe that the 3.5km rule for keeping such things from our doorsteps should be enforced.

Also the "landfill" this is trying to be bulit upon was used as a defunct tile yard/burual spot for fly ash from incenerators long past. This location seemingly has never, ever had an EA done and with anything of this massive scale definitely should be required (York1 has stated in the news that this was "not necessary", which is unacceptable considering proximity to homes, schools and waterways/rivers). The materials they bring in have been noted that they will be dealing with Asbestos materials, leachate from the run off and such. This brings concerns to potential airborne and water contamination (CK Council stated they cannot locally treat leachate/which runs a risk of incident when being transported off site/if it were ever to leak into our water sources).

I could go on and on about the roads not being able to sustain the huge amount of truck traffic they plan to generate...So I will just list the main: Our school buses depend on the roads to be safe to get our children to and from (again 1km from both schools), we are not directly near a major highway and the farmers depend on getting their crops through at various times a year (our town is a huge home for tomato, soy and corn).

So please do the right thing in getting all concerns addressed via an EA. No one should be able to plunk a massive facility of any kind for waste, recycling or anything before ensuring it is absolutely no harm to those living there, some for generations at that.