I am a resident of Dresden…


I am a resident of Dresden that would like to assure any new Recycling facility or Dump has an environmental assessment done before they are allowed to go forward with the project.

More then anything i am concerned about the potential impacts of the Dump with regards to pollutants reaching and harming the Sydenham river and its ecosystem, Fish, Mussel species, Reptiles. etc...

Given the proposed site's adjacency to both the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek, the potential threat of leachate poses a significant concern for water contamination. Leachate, a toxic liquid formed as rainwater percolates through waste materials, could potentially infiltrate and compromise the local water supply. In particular, runoff from the landfill may seep into the groundwater, raising the risk of pollution in both the Sydenham River and Molly's Creek. This contamination could result in detrimental effects on water quality and disrupt the delicate balance of aquatic ecosystems.

The flooding occurring each year in Molly's creek is enough to seriously put into jeopardy any prevention measures that York1 may claim they area going to implement.

My Property backs onto the Sydenham river, and I've lived on this river my whole life. I want my young family to be able to enjoy it as much as i have. I spent most of my childhood catching Mussels in the river, turning over rocks to find crayfish, and as well as looking at the muddy banks of the River witnessing some amazing Spiney Softshell turtles.

Already I've witnessed the numbers of the soft shells turtles dwindle, and i cant help to think a mega dump less the 1km from the river is going to improve their situation.

I'm providing a link to the Sydenham species at risk, i have witnessed the follow at risk species in the river right in Dresden.

The Northern Madtom
The Northern Sunfish
The Spotted Sucker
The Spiney Softshell
The Eastern Fox Snake
Snapping turtle
Northern Map Turtle

As well as many mussels that I'm unable to properly identify,

Please keep ensure this Dump cannot go forward with the proper environmental assessments.
