I am commenting on the York1…


I am commenting on the York1 proposal for Dresden. Dresden deserves to have a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment of this project. Since it was an old dump from years ago there needs to be a new Assessment. It is too close to the town of Dresden, will affect drainage into people drinking waters and wells into the Sydenham River, Molly Creek and several other creeks, not to mention the wildlife in our waters and nature. York1 does not seem to care what the effects this will have on our town and surrounding area including Lambton County, Tupperville, Wallaceburg, Thamesville with trucks travelling on our highways 24/7. The damage these trucks will cause to roads, noise, pollution to the air, and it is just too close proximity to the town and outlying area where people live. Please protect the citizens of Dresden and area, we need a new Comprehensive Environmental Assessment. Thankyou for the opportunity to comment on this very serious subject.