To Whom It May Concern: I…


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter with deep concern about the Proposed Waste Processing and Landfill Expansion site at 29831 Irish School Road, Dresden, Ontario. It is of utmost importance that a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment is required of York 1 with this project.

There are two schools within 3 kilometres of the site, along with a community of approximately 3000 people. There are quite a few residential dwellings right next to the proposed site. As tax paying citizens of Ontario, we should be able to breathe clean, fresh air, cross our street without fear of large trucks full of waste, drink our water and participate in recreational activities without worrying about the contamination. Please do the right thing and proceed to require York One to undergo a Comprehensive Environmental Assessment to ensure our health and safety is not compromised in this project. After the Comprehensive Environmental Assessment is completed by a non-biased third party, I’m sure as the Ministry of the Environment you will agree this Project is not in the best interest of Dresden, its residents, or the residents of Ontario as a whole.

Kind regards,

A Very Concerned Dresden Resident