Cette consultation se termine à 23 h 59 le :
14 octobre 2024
Résumé de la proposition
The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is consulting on a proposal to revoke a Minister's Zoning Order in the Township of Cavan Monaghan, filed as Ontario Regulation 5/23.
Détails de la proposition
Take notice that the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, under subsection 47(8) of the Planning Act, is consulting on a proposal to revoke a Zoning Order in the Township of Cavan Monaghan, County of Peterborough, filed as Ontario Regulation 5/23.
Ontario Regulation 5/23 applies to the lands identified on Reference Map No. 322 (see attached below). The lands subject to the Zoning Order are approximately 12.7 hectares (31.4 acres) in size and located at 1840 Brown Line Road in the Township of Cavan Monaghan.
A Zoning Order regulates the use of land and the erection, location and use of structures on the land. Ontario Regulation 5/23 provides direction on the land uses and associated development standards permitted within the Subject Lands.
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