FRANCIS FUELS LTD. - Approval for variance from the Liquid Fuels Handling Code

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Type d'acte: Approval for variance from the Liquid Fuels Handling Code

Numéro du REO
Numéro de référence du ministère
WO 14226833
Type d'avis
Technical Standards & Safety Act, 2000
Affiché par
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
Étape de l'avis
Proposition affichée
Période de consultation
Du 3 octobre 2024 au 2 novembre 2024 (30 jours) Ouvert
Dernière mise à jour

Cette consultation se termine à 23 h 59 le :
2 novembre 2024

Résumé de la proposition

FRANCIS FUELS LTD. requested a variance for an exemption to requirement for continuous monitoring of all fuelling positions by trained personnel at a remotely monitoring station.

Détails de l'emplacement

Adresse du site

K2G 1E9

Détails de l'emplacement du site

Gas station

Carte de l'emplacement du site

L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.

Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new window


K2E 7J5

Détails de la proposition

Proposal Details

Liquid Fuels Handling Code (LFHC) Requirements that Would Not be Met:

5.3.9. The facility shall be equipped with real-time video surveillance that shall be continuously monitored by trained personnel. The video surveillance shall monitor all fueling positions.

Why the Code Would Not be Met

Under existing code, the live attendant may see something on the video screen, they are helpless to do much more than try and contact someone onsite over the intercom system. To control and shut pumps and dispensers down a person must be dispatched to the location. The exemption request is to replace the human element of monitoring with continuous computer monitoring and the ability to remotely shut down any items of issue.

Safety Assessment

  • The facility will be equipped with real-time video surveillance system continuously monitoring/recording all fueling positions.
  • The system can be remotely monitored and quickly reviewed from anywhere in the world.
  • The system will provide real-time monitoring and logging with SMS and e-mail alerts:
  • Tank product level and consumption patterns
  • Dispenser status and operating patterns
  • Turbine operation and power consumption monitoring
  • TVOC level monitoring of location air quality
  • E-Stop button activation will automatically notify Alarm Station and dispatch Fire Department.
  • All systems can be shut down remotely.
  • The onsite dispenser customer training system.
  • Colour video client training - customers will receive safety and emergency procedure training on the pump display.
  • Smoke/Fire/Spill detection AI system (Viana by meldCX)
  • The system involves the implementation of cameras for tracking specific object and incidents.
  • When the camera identifies Smoke/Fire/Spill it will place a red box around it and issue a MQTT code (like an SMS message). Then anything that can be controlled in the ioT space can be done. In case of fire, for example, the turbines would be shut down, the pump heads shut down and alarms triggered, fire department notified, and duty site supervisor notified. This is done with approved 3rd party software that runs on the camera. The test data sheets show earlier model cameras, the currently installed cameras exceed earlier model specs.
  • Spill containment
  • The pad is designed so that no canopy water drains onto the pad. Canopy water is directly connected to the storm sewers.
  • There is a slight lip on the pad so at a depth of 1 mm it can contain ~2.65 ft3 of liquid (65 litres dispensing limit equals to 2.30 ft3, any small spills should be easily contained by the pad).

TSSA assesses that there is likely to be no environmental impact should this variance be granted.

Documents justificatifs

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Technical Standards and Safety Authority

345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, ON
M9W 6N9

Office phone number


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Marek Kulik

Phone number
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Technical Standards and Safety Authority

345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, ON
M9W 6N9

Office phone number

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Marek Kulik

Phone number
Email address
Technical Standards and Safety Authority

345 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, ON
M9W 6N9

Office phone number

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