Cette consultation a eu lieu :
du 4 novembre 2024
au 4 décembre 2024
Résumé de la décision
Application 60-C-246569, to create a new 1.56 hectare waterfront lot to be used for resource-based recreational use, was approved as redlined by the Ministry, subject to conditions. Related applications 60-C-232065 (ERO 019-9227) and 60-C-246449 (ERO 019-9248) were also approved subject to conditions.
Détails de l'emplacement
Adresse du site
Détails de l'emplacement du site
The lands have a legal description of PIN 42150-3227, Block A Plan M-274, Mining Location d-107, Location cl 19556, Mining Location K5 located in the District of Kenora.
The subject lands are located approximately 3 kilometres southwest of the City of Kenora boundary and 5 kilometres southwest of Keewatin on the western shore of Rheault Bay, on Lake of the Woods. The property was formerly used as Rheault Bay Marina.
Carte de l'emplacement du site
L'épingle de localisation correspond à la zone approximative où a lieu l’activité environnementale.
Afficher cet emplacement sur une carte opens link in a new windowPromoteur(s)
6887431 Canada Inc.
Unit 300 1001 Corydon Ave
PO box 364
Détails de la décision
Application 60-C-246569, to create a new 1.56 hectare waterfront lot to be used for resource-based recreational use, was approved as redlined, subject to conditions. The redlined property boundaries can be viewed as Appendix A to the Notice of Decision attached. The last date to appeal this decision is February 13, 2025.
In addition to standard conditions requiring a survey and transfer documents, conditions include:
- That prior to final approval, and pursuant to subsections 53(12) and 51(25) and 51(26) or (27) of the Planning Act, the applicants shall enter into a Consent Agreement for the new lot with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH), to its satisfaction, addressing the use and potential development of the new lot, including:
- The lot can only be used for resource-based recreational purposes (including a resource-based recreational dwelling) and is not to be used for permanent residential use;
- Provisions to obtain undertakings from the applicant and/or the applicants’ lawyer to implement conditions and requirements, including that the Consent Agreement be registered on title in priority to other documents; and
- Provisions relating to the enforcement of the Consent Agreement.
- That prior to final approval, MMAH receive written confirmation that the archaeological assessment report has been entered into the Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports and the report recommends that:
- the archaeological assessment of the project area is complete; and
- all archaeological sites identified by the assessment are either of no further cultural heritage value or interest (as per Section 48(3) of the OHA) or that mitigation of impacts has been accomplished through excavation or an avoidance and protection strategy. This may include additional provisions to be included in the agreement referenced in condition 3.
- That prior to final approval, MMAH receive written confirmation that a Record of Site Condition has been filed on the Brownfields Environmental Site Registry, for Lots 1, 2 and 3 as identified on Appendix A. See notes for more information.
- That prior to final approval, MMAH receive written confirmation that the Crown lease adjacent to the property issued by MNR has been cancelled or amended as appropriate, in accordance with MNR requirements.
- That prior to final approval, MMAH receive written confirmation that a flowage easement to elevation 324.6 metres CGVD 1928 (Canadian Geodetic Survey Datum of 1928), is registered on the severed and retained lands provided a flowage easement or hazard land zone to the level does not already exist. See LWCB Flowage Easement Guide provided with this decision for further information.
- MMAH is to be advised in writing by the transferor that the Offer of Purchase and Sale agreement, or alternatively an acknowledgement by the transferor and transferees if the transaction is between family members, contains the following clause:
- No assessment has been undertaken for groundwater quality or quantity. Groundwater supplies may not be adequate to support the use of individual private wells, should this source of water be used in future on the lots.
- Should wells be considered as drinking water sources, they must be constructed in accordance with Regulation 903 – Wells, under the Ontario Water Resources Act.
- Water from the lake should not be used for human consumption unless it is disinfected and/or treated to meet the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards, as stipulated in O. Reg. 169/03 of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
- Small private sewage disposal facilities which have a daily sewage flow of 10,000 litres or less per day must be certified by the local Health Unit. Large private sewage disposal facilities which have a daily sewage flow of >10,000 litres, or communal systems, must be approved by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The local Health Unit should be contacted for information on the proper installation and operation of Class IV septic systems and Class 1 (pit privy) sewage systems.
- The use of Best Management Practices for shoreline development is strongly recommended. Best Management Practices such as shoreline naturalization and vegetated buffer strips can reduce the adverse effects of shoreline development on inland lakes. It is recommended that sewage systems be located where native soils are deepest, and at the furthest distance possible from the shoreline. Additional resources regarding Best Management Practices are listed in Appendix B of the Lakeshore Capacity Assessment Handbook, 2010, available at: http://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/lakeshore-capacity-assessmenthandbook-protecting-water-quality-inland-lakes.
- Domestic waste must be appropriately handled and disposed of at an approved waste disposal facility.
Effets de la consultation
No comments received.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
435 James Street South
Suite 223
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6S7
How to Appeal
Cet avis de décision peut être porté en appel. Vous avez jusqu’à 20 jours à partir du 24 janvier 2025 pour entamer le processus d’appel.
Veuillez lire les renseignements suivants attentivement pour en savoir plus sur le processus d’appel.
Comment interjeter appelClick to Expand Accordion
This instrument decision can be appealed under the Planning Act and the Environmental Bill of Rights.
Start the process to appeal
Appeal Rights under the Planning Act
You can appeal all or part of this instrument to the appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) by submitting a notice of appeal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. You have 20 days to begin the appeal process.
Who can appeal
Other than the applicant, only a "specified person" or "public body", as defined in s. 1(1) of the Planning Act, has the ability to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
Notice of appeal
Your notice of appeal must include:
- the reasons for your appeal
- the appeal fee, payable by certified cheque or money order to the Minister of Finance, Province of Ontario
Note: appeal fees and options for reductions are outlined in the Ontario Land Tribunal's fee chart
Mail your notice of appeal
Send your notice of appeal to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing via the ‘issuing authority’ contact listed below.
Send a copy of your notice of appeal to the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks. You can provide notice by email at minister.mecp@ontario.ca or by mail at:
College Park
5th Floor, 777 Bay Street
Toronto, ON
M7A 2J3
6887431 Canada Inc.
Unit 300 1001 Corydon Ave
PO box 364
Registrar, Ontario Land Tribunal
655 Bay Street, Suite 1500
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 1E5
(416) 212-6349
(866) 448-2248
About the Ontario Land Tribunal
There is an additional “leave to appeal” right under the Environmental Bill of Rights. This appeal must be commenced within 15 days of the notice of decision being posted on the Environmental Registry (ero.ontario.ca). For more information about this appeal method, refer to the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, or https://www.ontario.ca/page/environmental-bill-rights.
Inclure les éléments suivants:
Il ne s'agit pas d'un avis juridique. Veuillez vous reporter à la Charte des droits environnementaux de 1993 pour connaître les exigences exactes prévues par la loi. Consultez un avocat si vous avez besoin d'aide avec le processus d'appel.
Communiquer avec nous
Andrew Carr
435 James Street South
Suite 223
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6S7
Proposition initiale
Détails de la proposition
Application 60-C-246569 is part of a series of three (3) applications to sever the subject lands into three (3) new lots for resource-based recreational use and one retained lot. The lands are approximately 30 hectares in size and are accessed by McKenzie Portage road. The road bisects the property from north to south and each of the lots is bisected by the road.
- Proposed Lot 1 (60-C-232065) has a road frontage of 124.75 m, lake frontage of 135.5 m, depth of 213.67 m, area of 1.26 ha and is developed with an outbuilding to be removed. A new recreational cottage serviced by a new septic system and lake water is proposed.
- Proposed Lot 2 (60-C-246449) has a road frontage of 52.71 m, lake frontage of 97.4 m, depth of 199.45 m, area of 1.24 ha and is currently vacant. A new recreational cottage serviced by an existing septic system and lake water is proposed.
- Proposed Lot 3 (60-C-246569) has a road frontage of 70.2 m, lake frontage of 307.3 m, depth of 164.51m, area of 1.56 ha and currently contains a recreational dwelling serviced by an approved septic system. A new recreational cottage is proposed.
- The retained lot has a road frontage of 250.65 m, area of 27 ha, and is vacant.
Domestic waste from the site is expected to be taken to the Kenora Waste Transfer Facility located on Barsky’s Hill in the City of Kenora.
Documents justificatifs
Consulter les documents en personne
Certains documents justificatifs peuvent ne pas être accessibles en ligne. Si tel est le cas, vous pouvez demander à consulter les documents en personne.
Veuillez communiquer avec le bureau mentionné ci-dessous pour savoir si les documents sont accessibles.
435 James Street South
Suite 223
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6S7
La consultation est maintenant terminée.
Cette consultation a eu lieu 4 novembre 2024
au 4 décembre 2024
Communiquer avec nous
Andrew Carr
435 James Street South
Suite 223
Thunder Bay,
P7E 6S7
Commentaires reçus
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