Le présent avis est fourni à titre d’information seulement. Il n’existe aucune obligation de mener une consultation sur le Registre environnemental de l’Ontario à propos de cette initiative. Pour en savoir davantage sur le processus de consultation et les types d’avis publiés sur le registre.
Pourquoi une consultation n’est pas nécessaire
On April 1, 2020, the Ontario Government made a temporary regulation to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempts all proposals for policies, acts, regulations and instruments from posting requirements under the EBR.
Ontario Regulation 115/20 was revoked on June 15, 2020, however, we are posting this decision as a bulletin because the proposal was posted on original posting date, while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect.
Although consultation was not required, the ministry did consult with the public on this proposal by posting ERO # 019-1662 for public comment from April 20, 2020 – June 4, 2020. To ensure transparency, the ministry is providing details of its decision and the effects of consultation on decision-making in this notice.
Asselin Transportation and Storage Ltd.
174, Highway 11, PO BOX 746
Fort Frances, ON, P9A 3N1
Location details
Olson Road, McCrosson Twp.. To see the site location on a map, refer to the instrument proposal under ERO # 019-1662.
Instrument decision
application type: renewal
total useable area: 0.25 hectares
type of disposal: 2 dewatering trench
Conditions on the Environmental Compliance Approval include requirements to develop and follow spill response procedures, train staff and maintain records. The approval also includes the following operational requirements:
- prior to operating at the site, the company shall develop written procedures covering the following:
- procedures for reporting to the ministry, and municipal authorities as required in the event a spill occurs at the site
- a list of the personnel responsible for operations at the site
- the company shall ensure that all personnel involved in the operation of this hauled sewage disposal site are aware of the requirements of this approval and are trained in Spill Prevention
- spills of a pollutant that cause or may cause an adverse effect are to be reported to the Ministry's Spills Action Centre and the company shall take appropriate remedial action to limit the impact
- the company must ensure that no unnecessary off-site effects, such as vermin, vectors, odour, dust, litter, noise or traffic, result from the operation of this site
- written records must be maintained in a log book that documents daily operations as well as any spills that occur and any complaints received
- the dewatering trenches must be designed and constructed according to specified standards set out in the approval
- the dewatering trenches must be operated in accordance with specified standards set out in the approval which include maximum volumes that can be put in a trench, rotating the use of the trenches, ensuring trenches have a rest period and cleaning residuals from the trenches on a regular basis
- a closure plan shall be developed for the site and the site must be closed in accordance with the plan
- the following types of monitoring conditions will be required: None
- Financial Assurance will not be required
- approval expires on December 31, 2030
Prior to the spreading of hauled sewage, the operator is responsible for ensuring that all necessary approvals, licences or permits that may be required from other authorities, such as the local municipality, conservation authority, MNRF and OMAFRA, have been acquired.
Comments received
No comments were received.
Effects of consultation
Since we did not receive any comment during the commenting period, there is no impact of comment on the approval.
Third parties are not able to apply for leave to appeal in respect of proposals which were posted while Ontario Regulation 115/20 was in effect between April 1, 2020 and June 14, 2020. Ontario Regulation 115/20 exempted all proposals for instruments from posting requirements under the EBR. Leave to appeal may only be sought in respect of instruments that are required to be posted to the ERO.
Appeal information
Appeals are not allowed. This instrument type cannot be appealed.
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808 Robertson Street
P9N 1X9
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Jason Tittlemier
808 Robertson Street
P9N 1X9