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Delays and inaction are detrimental to species while at the same time providing little economic certainty since business is uninformed of the parameters under which they must operate. Lire davantage

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Please pass this proposal. The diversity of Canadian wildlife is the backbone to the natural stability of our environment. Lire davantage

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- Changes to the Endangered Species Act should improve protections, not water them down even further. Lire davantage

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I am writing to inform you that I, a person of the people the "Government of the people" is supposed to represent, whole-heartedly opposes opening up the endangered species act for the purpose of streamlining development. Lire davantage

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In general, I support strong, effective protections for listed species and their habitats. 1. Landscape Approaches I support looking at the entire landscape if Species at Risk (SAR) specialists believe it is an appropriate method of improving habitat and protecting species. Lire davantage

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Area of Focus 1: Landscape Approaches 1. Move forward with a permanent section 55(1)(b) regulatory exemption to the forest sector to continue enabling landscape approaches currently being delivered under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act (CFSA). Lire davantage

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People Plan Community

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1. The overall direction of the ESA review appears to be environmental deregulation, which is counter-productive to the very core of the act and what it intends to achieve. Lire davantage

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Hello. I am a forestry consultant company business owner. I have worked in the forest industry for 20 years in various capacity's including forest management planning and forest renewal I have a few comments to share regarding the 10th year review of the ESA: Lire davantage

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I am a PhD student at the University of Waterloo in the School of Environment, Resources, and Sustainability. Lire davantage

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Focus area 1, Landscape approaches: I note the lack of mention of corridors despite the critical importance of those to many species. Any broader approach to the assessment would be invalid without ensuring contiguous corridors rather than isolated areas. Lire davantage

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Dear Government of Ontario, Thank you for the opportunity to add my voice to the public consultation on the ESA review discussion paper. Lire davantage

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March 4, 2019 The Honourable Rod Phillips Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Government of Ontario Toronto, Ontario Dear Minister Phillips: RE: 10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act -- ERO 013-4143 Kingston Field Naturalists Submission Lire davantage

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The Endangered Species Act is designed to first and foremost protect species that are at-risk and that absolutely must remain the sole focus of this act. These are our must vulnerable species and they must be protected no matter what. Lire davantage

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Public Input Coordinator Species Conservation Policy Branch 300 Water Street Floor 5N Peterborough ON K9J 3C7 Canada Submitted via EBR: Lire davantage