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This practice is barbaric and needs to stop immediately. We need to look after our wildlife otherwise we will have nothing left for future generations. Please please don’t let this go ahead.

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I urge Ontario legislators to cancel the Spring Bear Hunt completely, and to not expand the pilot project instituted by previous Liberal governments. Please, do not follow the misguided plan laid out by previous governments led by another party. Lire davantage

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Tourists are much more likely to travel to see and photograph a bear then kill it. Further, I argue that most Canadians value our wildlife with a different measure than those who profit financially. Lire davantage

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Bear cubs will continue to be orphaned if the hunt becomes permanent. While it’s currently against the law to kill cubs and mother bears accompanied by cubs, mother bears often leave their cubs in trees when searching for food. Lire davantage

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This a painfully regressive proposition and is very much in keeping with the current government's anachronistic view of animals and the value of their lives. This bill is a grotesque step backward, and it is not even remotely surprising, coming from the Ford government. Lire davantage

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In my opinion, all of our Wildlife is under so much threat and decline, due to habitat loss, everywhere in Canada, including Black Bear territory. Therefore I feel it is wrong to permanently bring back the spring Black Bear Hunt. Lire davantage

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I believe this is yet another governmental money making scheme at the cost of an innocent animal, not to mention the atrocities that surround a hunt like this. Hands off of our wildlife, Mother Nature will take care of them when needed.

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I am against the proposal to implement a regular spring black bear season because: - there is no supporting scientific data provided in support of the need for a regular spring black bear season, Lire davantage

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Please take the time to truly reflect on the animals lives that will suffer if these new black bear hunting regulations go through. I personally work very close with animals and see the effect on newborn/young wildlife that have lost their mothers due to human greed. Lire davantage

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I am writing this note against the proposed spring bear hunt. I'm not sure who the government is thinking they are benefiting, but it isn't the safety of its residents. Lire davantage