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The spring bear hunt should never have been cancelled the loss of the revenue to Ontario and it's business owners will never be recovered. The restatement of the hunt is a plus , plus for all involved and is a plus for the ailing moose population.

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The spring Bear Hunt should be abolished, however if hunt is too continue, changes must be made. It should last 30 days, June 1 to June 30. Baiting must stop after June 30 not to begin again until September 1st, 2 weeks prior to fall hunt. Lire davantage

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Haven't we killed off enough of the earth's wildlife? What's so wrong with people that they feel it necessary to spend money to go hunt an kill off wildlife. I could see it where a hunters trying to feed his family an when its nessassary for means of survival but killin for the fun of it? Lire davantage

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Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished, Baiting must stop. Females with cubs must be “truly” protected The Ontario Government needs to hire more people for enforcement, this province needs more Conservation Officers. Lire davantage

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I don't agree with this proposal. Hunting regulations should not be more relaxed, especially for the bear population. We need to ensure hunting remains sustainable by limiting hunting and keeping strong regulations in place.

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I would like to see the bear hunt stopped. Definitely the spring hunt. These poor animals apparently don't get a break from people trying to kill them. Think about this: Bears become pregnant in June and the fertilized 'egg' doesn't implant until November. In January, little cubs are born. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about the governments proposed spring bear hunt. The government needs to focus on protecting our wildlife and its habitat, not allowing people to keep destroying more and more habitat and killing what wildlife we have left. Lire davantage

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Best scenario. Spring Bear Hunt should be abolished, however if hunt is too continue, changes must be made. It should last 30 days, June 1 to June 30. Baiting must stop after June 30 not to begin again until September 1st, 2 weeks prior to fall hunt. Lire davantage

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I am with Camille Labchuk, Executive Director at Animal Justice, who says: “This is a death warrant for innocent baby bear cubs who will be orphaned and die when their mothers are gunned down by hunters after emerging from hibernation in the spring. Lire davantage

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There is so much wrong with this. You're targeting hungry bears, with young. So essentially you are killing two generations because the young ones will starve. It's difficult to tell a female from a male at a "safe' distance. And it's not hunting. It's baiting. Lire davantage

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Please do not move forward with the proposed spring bear hunt. With wildlife being killed off by humans due to habitat loss and climate change there is simply no valid reason to hunt bears in Ontario. Lire davantage