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Absolutely NO! Stop interfering with wildlife and stop profiting from killing animals for no reason. You will orphan bear cubs! How could the Canadian government plan such cruel event!!! Shame!

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I don't agree with hunting of black bears. Increased encounters with bears is not due to overpopulation of the species, it is due to expansion of human civilizations (both urban and rural). It is not fair for the species to be potentially threatened because of increased human population. Lire davantage

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Stop killing animals and preserve their habitat fund rehab. Especially protect moms and Cubs and during denning season. No traps no baiting. Educate and fine the public more signage etc.

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Bears, as all animals, are sentient beings. They have complex family dynamics and familial bonds as human animals do. This bear hunt will undoubtedly kill mother bears and leave bear cubs orphaned. Please choose dignity and compassion instead of allowing any form of legal hunting.

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I fully support the reinstatement of the spring bear hunt. The initial cancellation was done with out any credible scientific support, and should never have been cancelled.

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I strongly oppose the proposal to remove the ability for nonresident landowners to hunt black bear without utilizing a guide/outfitter. This proposal will do little to redistribute the opportunities and in fact will likely result in a marked decrease in license sales and participation. Lire davantage

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I support this proposal. The proposed regular spring hunt is a measured approach given all the years of the pilot. I support the ministry taking action where there data suggests a significant concern (Bruce Peninsula). The other items seem reasonable and fair. Lire davantage

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Reinstate the spring bear hunt. The bear hunt was cancelled based on false science and pressure from tree hugging special interest groups. Let's do the right thing and reinstate the hunt as it should be.

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Aside from the fact that this is a heinous horror act and those that approve of this are just as guilty of murder, there is absolutely no reason for this-other than greedy money to made and caving to murderous psychopaths that have no regard for other beings. Pleas stop this. Lire davantage

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"The harvest of bear cubs and female bears accompanied by a cub would remain prohibited." Those opposed to the Spring bear hunt need to know how enforcement will change. That fact remains that during the years this 'ban' has been in effect, there have been far too many orphaned cubs regardless. Lire davantage

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A Spring bear hunt is just plain wrong. You are putting mothers and cubs at serious risk of death. Do you honestly believe that sitting in a blind in a tree with bait below you is only going to attract male bears? Lire davantage

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I think it's a great idea. There are a lot of bears where I live and as a result the population of deer and moose are drastically affected as the bears get the young when they are newborns that can't get away fast enough.