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Hello, I believe most citizens are not aware that wildlife is being kept captive for the sole purpose of being used as training for hunting (a human past time) while our groceries are full of meat. How is a wild animal’s life worth so little ? Lire davantage

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Do not go forward with this GOV proposal. How barbaric that this would even be considered!

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This act is completely unacceptable. We Canadians are way past such terrible acts against animals. Some people will turn pets into killers for the sake of their “hobby”. DO NOT consider placing wild animals in captivity. DO NOT teach more dogs to kill. Lire davantage

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The purpose of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 is to conserve wildlife. This is doing the opposite. In addition, it is unethical and inhumane to allow hunters to train hunting dogs on wild animals being kept in captivity. Lire davantage

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This should not be a topic of debate in a civilized country. There is no justification for the excesses of cruelty involved in penned dog hunting facilities. This proposal from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry must be strongly opposed. No new licenses should be allowed. Lire davantage

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Hunting pens are inhumane and unethical. Wild animals such as foxes, coyotes, and rabbits are captured and held in captivity only to be subjected to cruelty, abuse, and suffering through the training and trialling of hunting dogs. These archaic facilities have no place in today’s society.

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Penned hunting is terrible and needs to stop immediately! I can't believe that such a barbaric practice still exists! It is disgusting and should NOT be permitted. Doug Ford should be ashamed of himself for giving in to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely inhumane I don't agree at all and hope this isn't gonna happen

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It is appalling that Ontario is even considering allowing more of these centres to open or transferring the licenses for the current ones. What a giant leap backwards for our province. These training methods are cruel and do not reflect the modern views of the citizens of Ontario.

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The sooner the Conservative Party is voted out the better. They are destroying our Province bit by bit . They have absolutely no regard for our wildlife, nature ,or environment. We should have Garnet Smith run through the bush being tracked by would be hunting dogs.

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Hello, This is a cruel act that only reverses the years of progression towards fair treatment to wildlife and their habitats. This destructive proposal does not, will not, and never will align with the views of every day people and should not even be a consideration for those in government. Lire davantage

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Preserve wildlife and natural resources, this is an absurd direction for the Ontario government. Wildlife should never be taken from their natural environments and held captive by hunters. It is cruel to use rabbits, coyotes, and foxes as pawns for hunters to train dogs and hold competitions. Lire davantage

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This is an archaic and barbaric thing to suggest that we go back to this style of 'hunting'. Involves nothing natural and it is not for sustenance. Lire davantage

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Stop this primitive nonsense. It is disgusting and and an embarrassment. What are you using for brains?

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I am firmly against this proposal. These train and trial facilities are not only cruel to wild animals, but are also extremely unnecessary. There are other ways to train hunting dogs that do not involve the use of wildlife. Lire davantage

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals who are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Lire davantage

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I believe the use of these valuable ecosystems should be put to better use, not to perpetuate harmful stereotypes of animal abuse and inhumane treatment.

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Training dogs to kill other animals is akin to cock and dog fighting. Jane Goodall said we can know a society by how it treats its animals. I for one, am disgusted this has even been proposed. There is enough violence in the world without it being made into a law. - Nauseous Torontonian

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals who are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting. Anyone who could even think of this, let alone make it legal, has serious mental issues and shouldn't be in any position of authority for our society. This is animal cruelty and abuse. It will also lead to more attacks by dogs on other pets as well as small children. Lire davantage