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Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals who are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt.

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Concerned citizen very against this practice. This is completely unethical and unacceptable in today's world.

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There are many other ways to enrich your dogs life without torturing wildlife such as agility and scent work. You can even promote ratting for farms, as this too serves a purpose - work the dogs and get rid of pests on a farm which are a threat to farm animals. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to the Ontario Government proposal to make amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for dog train and trial areas, also known as penned dog hunting facilities. Lire davantage

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The policy of "Dog train and trial areas" has been under phase out for over two decades. To allow it to be brought back is outrageous. Lire davantage

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Ontario is already messed up in enough ways, let’s not bring this terrible practise back. It will only hurt our wildlife that we have and continue to destroy. I do not support this proposal, and those who do should be ashamed.

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By attempting to re-establish the process of hunters capturing wildlife to be used in fenced in areas for means of "training" or "sport" is doing much more harm than good. I have provided 3 reasons as to why: Lire davantage

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Please don’t pass this, these places are pretty much the exact same thing as dogfighting which most people would oppose.

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We need to be moving forward from inhumane practices against people AND animals. Training dogs to hunt captured wildlife in an enclosed area is akin to cockfighting. A barbaric practise that's seen as animal cruelty in today's society. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow this proposal. It is cruel to keep animals in cages, to be chased by dogs. They are terrified and this idea should never have been suggested. There are more humane ways to train dogs, without having to harm and terrify other animal, this is not it. Lire davantage

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Strongly oppose this, it's animal cruelty against the rabbits, foxes and coyotes.

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Wildlife animals have a place in our province and in our country - in the wild. They do not belong in cages, pens or in traps to be used for dog training. This is a form of animal cruelty and it is unacceptable that the premier of Ontario does not recognize the severity of this law. Lire davantage

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I believe this is cruelty to wildlife. I do not support this proposal. Other than rare occasions of nuisance beaver, I also do not support trapping.

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Such an inhumane practice. Competitions of hunting dogs are barbaric. Leave our wildlife alone. What’s next? Dog fights?

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This is a barbaric, cruel practice that is unsafe to the domestic dogs and incredibly torturous to the wild animals they will be sloppily killing. I am not against hunting, but the aim should always be to act as ethically and humanely as possible, and this is not ethical or humane. Lire davantage

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The cruel practice of trialing dogs needs to be stopped, not expanded. Taking wild animals out of their habitats and subjecting them to torture is barbaric and unethical. Lire davantage

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I want to voice my strong opposition to Ontario Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposed amendments to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act to allow new licenses for dog train and trial areas in Ontario, as well as the transfer of existing licenses for the same. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Uxbridge Ontario, I am against the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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It is really disappointing that Ontario is even debating this issue. It was shutdown previously for a reason and should not be continued. We have made so many great strides towards attempting to be more humane to animals, including changes on laws for animal testing for things like makeup. Lire davantage