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What kind of barbaric practice is this? Why can’t we invest in technology that deters coyotes away from property so that we don’t have to slaughter, hunt or terrorize them.

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This is absolutely disgusting behaviour and should not be permitted anywhere in Canada. Wildlife are being pushed out of their habitat due to over development of housing in Ontario by the greed of developers and the Ford government. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with any changes to the proposed change to the Train and Trial bill

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It is well established that people who are cruel to animals are more likely to be or become domestic abusers. In my opinion, those who would teach dogs to kill coyotes are not sportsmen, but participants in animal cruelty. As a society we need to say no to this activity. Lire davantage

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How barbaric is this proposal to fence animals in so there isn’t a fair chance for them to try to escape like there would be in the wild? Train hunting dogs to hunt realistically in the wild! Are we prioritizing dogs over other defenceless animals? I am totally against this proposal!

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When I first read about this in The Toronto Star I thought it could not be true. To learn that it was in fact true was deeply disturbing and disappointing. Lire davantage

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I think we all know that the purpose of this expansion is to teach dogs how to kill wild animals. It is entirely unnecessary. Dogs can be exercised and trained perfectly well by their owners using toys, games or scented areas. Lire davantage

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The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario sickens me. I find it completely barbaric that wild animals would be trapped and held captive so that dogs can hunt them. Lire davantage

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One more stupid, nasty idea from uncle dougie to line his pockets with money from his rich friends. STOP this nasty practice, make it illegal and go after the offenders by lawful means!

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This is an abhorrent practice and should be totally banned, certainly not extended.. What genuine hunter could possibly take pleasure in destroying animals that are penned in - that is not what a true sportsman is, not a particularly admirable person either.

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I grew up in the UK & I have Never liked the whole fox hunting scene in England. This is a gradual phasing in of that inhumane practice - it is Not a sport where an animal is torn to pieces. Lire davantage

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Training dogs to hunt live prey is cruel and inhumane and completely unnecessary, this is the 21st century, after all. The phasing out of these licenses that was initiated by the Harris Government should continue, no new licences should be issued.

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This is a backward step in animal welfare. Blood sports are not just horrifically cruel, it puts the dogs at risk for nasty injuries including fatality. This is a slippery slope because why not allow dog fighting or cock fighting too? Lire davantage

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What are we becoming? Dogs have evolved their sense of smell over millennia, they do not require this type of training. This is the year 2023 AD not 80 AD when they opened the Colosseum and people watched WILD animals tearing people apart. Have we learned anything from the past! Lire davantage

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry's proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is a despicable act!! And barbaric… No animal, that is in captivity should be subjected to being hunted by another for training purposes. Shame on the Ministry for thinking this is okay!!!

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I cannot believe that the practice of penning beautiful wild animals just so that dogs can tear them apart - for sport! This isn't sport!! This is a practice that belongs in the 14th century! I cannot believe it is allowed by law! It is cruel, inhumane and should be banned, not licensed! Lire davantage

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This is a barbaric practice. I thought that this abuse of wild and domestic animals was banned years ago and now I find out that it has been continuing with the support of our government. Plus, you are about to expand it. Lire davantage

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Ontario passed laws near the 19th century against animal cruelty, I can not believe that this medieval proposal is even being considered. It is cruel not only to the animals that are torn apart, but to the dogs as well. It is barbaric and a blot on the province.

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I am horrified that my country allows for the capturing and penning of animals (foxes, coyotes & rabbits) to allow hunters to train their dog to rend and destroy. What could possibly be the need for this. Are hunters so pathetic they need trapped animals in order to feel like “real men/women”? Lire davantage