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Absolutely cruel to consider allowing this practice. We are better than this as Ontarians.

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Please stick with the original plan to phase out these facilities. Current owners have had over 20 years to repurpose these businesses. And the cruelty to wildlife being used to train dogs is unacceptable, even with the care standards for wildlife. Lire davantage

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This is barbaric and cruel and we as a society are above this and so are our dogs.

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This practice is absolutely barbaric and I can't believe that we as a progressive and forward-thinking province are looking to take such a huge step backwards. This practice should not be allowed to re-emerge, in fact we should abolish it in every form, whether someone was grandfathered in or not. Lire davantage

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I strongly object to this proposal. It is a cruel and inhumane practice and I am horrified that premier Ford would stand behind this. There is enough cruelty and evil in this world, especially towards animals. All who stand behind this should be ashamed.

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Places like this should not exist. They need to be phased out. This is the epitome of animal cruelty.

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This proposal is barbaric and simply insane. As our ecosystems are in peril we should be protecting all of our native species that help keep biodiversity intact. Lire davantage

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I believe hunting wild animals with dogs doing the killing is barbaric and totally out of touch with modern day thinking on wildlife management. Britain banned the fox hunt many years ago. Lire davantage

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There continues to be a disturbing trend in Ontario toward reducing, eliminating and outright annihilating wildlife and their natural habitats. Lire davantage

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There is absolutely no reason to promote this barbaric practice. Hunting dogs are perfectly capable of learning skills "on the job", not with animals that are cruelly confined and have no chance of escape. Lire davantage

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As a society we collectively need to recognize our responsibility to animals. They need us. Our job is to protect and care for them. Not harm or torture them. This archaic practice was outlawed for a reason. We are supposed to be evolving. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane. Please do not do this. It is clear that this government doesn’t care about the environment or natural assets of this province, but at least do not move forward with this change that targets our wildlife. Have some compassion.

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This proposal is inhumane and makes me ashamed to live in Ontario. No animals should be subjected to what basically amounts to psychological and physical torture.

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This proposal is absolutely disgusting and inhumane I cannot believe that Ontario would even consider thinking about this let alone, considering it to come into a law absolutely disgusting. I thought we were past such barbaric, thoughts and proposals.. Lire davantage

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As a hunter I’m DEEPLY CONCERNED that this is a practice that is even going to be considered. We practice safe, ethical, and quick killing to be respectful of all lives - especially lives we take away. I do not support the act of allowing caged wildlife for dog/tracking practice.

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I am against this inhumane trapping practice. Wild animals deserve to live a life freely & not be trapped and used as live bait. I am very disappointed that this exists and wish it to be ended immediately.

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What do I think of this proposal? Savage Barbaric Unconscionable Repugnant The Province should be discouraging animal cruelty. Not encouraging or condoning it.

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This practice is cruel to wild animals. They should be able to exist. We should not be allowing train and trial areas let alone be creating new ones

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This is unbelievably cruel. To cage poor animals so they don’t even have a chance is unfair. Hunting must be done in the most humane way possible and this is not.