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I am against this proposal. It's cruel for wildlife to become bait for hunting dogs. Wilflife should roam free. There is many othre ways to train hunting dogs.

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I'm opposed to this proposal, it is cruel and unusual punishment for wildlife

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This is horrifying!! Please do not allow this to happen. I am disgusted at the government for even considering expanding this type of hunting practice.

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This is an inhumane practice that needs to end. I am entirely upset that this allowed to continue even though it was already set to phase out. End it now.

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No, no, no! What kind of barbarism is this? NO animal should be subject to this sort of terror and cruelty in the name of "sport."

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Please seize this cruel practice at once. We must understand as people wanting to live on these land are actually encroaching these wildlife’s livelihood therefore must learn to share with them, not killing them. They did nothing wrong but to survive on their own. So leave them alone!!!

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This is barbaric. We are not in Coliseum Roman times. When we know better, we do better. This is not right. This is not 2023 Canada. Please stop. Be an example for the world. Canada is better than this. We live in harmony and co-exist with compassion and understanding.

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"New train and trial areas were last approved to be established in 1997 and were intended to be phased-out over time." Lire davantage

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Please please please do not create more areas for training dogs to hunt wildlife. We have taken so much of their habitat and they don’t deserve to be further hunted and exterminated. Furthermore it is inhumane so you should revoke current licences to stop this practice

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Why does it feel as if Ontario is going backward in a time when the environment is in crisis? This government is attacking green space, conservation, air quality, water quality, farmland and wildlife. It’s appalling. Lire davantage

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So cruel Cant’t believe this sort of thing goes on nowadays Was never aware that we are keeping animals captive for this use I find it disgusting

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strongly disagree with this proposal, it will lead to unnecessary problems on multiple levels. there are much safer and better ways to address this issue.

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Issuing this permit would bring shame to a province I am proud to live in. It is barbaric, regressive and totally unnecessary. There are so many more humane and effective alternatives. On behalf of all decent citizens of Ontario I beg you to deny this application.

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This proposal is unnecessary, unacceptable, and cruel. We do NOT support this in any way, and should be illegal. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the creation of these centers. This is cruel and unnecessary.

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I strongly oppose the proposed emend to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) that encourages animal cruelty through the use of hunting dogs. Lire davantage

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This proposal is barbaric and absolutely repulsive. It feels completely archaic, unnecessary and unethical, caged animals are not given a fighting chance. This is so disgusting, and I cannot believe this is trying to be passed in 2023.

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There is no need for such in this day and age. It panders to a small group of people. Leave wildlife alone, we need biodiversity, we need to stop the inhumane killing of wild animals. This is not about living off the land, this is about sport and making money at the cost of wildlife.