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There is no demonstrated need for changes to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1997 with regard to dog training areas. The decision to phase out these practices was made on good evidence and after consultation. Lire davantage

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This is a blood sport. Any confinement of a living creature is barbaric and the whole thing should be outlawed. If it goes underground, then it's a criminal matter that needs enforcement, like dog fighting. Fur farms should be banned. These facilities aren't any different.

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Regardless of the the benefit to the province or any of the implications of NOT expanding the train and trial locations in the province, I adamantly refuse this proposal on ethical grounds. The thought of a wild animal being taunted and trapped for training purposes is disturbing and unnecessary. Lire davantage

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Archaic and inhumane. Nothing in the proposal suggested this is a necessary practice. Denied!

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I can’t believe this is even a thing, we as Canadian should know better. But alas this amendment speaks volumes. I’m honestly ashamed to be Canadian. Disgusting.

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Please do not do this, our wildlife species suffer enough trying to survive in the small areas they have been left and it is unethical to push these species further with dogs now. We do not need this. Canadians don’t want this. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane and cruel. Why do these dogs need to be trained to kill anything? And will these dogs know the difference between a coyote and someone’s family dog? My fear is no. Lire davantage

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This is very concerning regarding the well-being of the wildlife that would be involved with this. Unnecessary and cruel. Lire davantage

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This is inhumane and not aligning with Canadian morals. Animals should be protected. There are other ways that are more humane to train animals.

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This is SHAMEFUL!! We should be moving toward a more cruelty free world. It is unacceptable that we would pass a law enabling individuals to use wild life as objects for their own purposes. Wild life does not belong to us, they were here long before we were. Let them be!

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Horrible and unacceptable cruelty. No no no. Maybe the people who came up with this idea should test it out in the fenced in area instead of rabbits and coyotes. The terror. The horror. I fully support hunting and fishing and the great outdoors. This, however, is cruel and awful. Lire davantage

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Please do not allow the proposed amendments to proceed. The practice of training dogs to hunt using captive animals is exceedingly cruel and does not reflect the values of most Canadians or residents of Ontario. Lire davantage

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This is unconscionably cruel, unnecessary, and wrong. This government should be protecting wildlife, their habitats, and important ecological in Ontario. To encourage hunting competitions is disgusting, foul, and unhinged. Lire davantage

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I cannot fathom why any rational human being could come up with such a barbaric proposal in the first place. I am clearly just stunning at the callousness of the way we look at our animal kingdom. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting. You would consider this abuse with prison time if this was being done to humans. What makes these living animals any different?