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We are the Planning Consultants for the owner of the property located at 2899 King Street East in the City of Kitchener. This property is not within the Greenbelt Area and does not contain any significant environmental features. Lire davantage

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Do Not Develope Our Green Belt!! In all sincereness, please leave our fertile farm land and conservation areas alone. In 5 to 10 years their survival may prove extermely beneficial to the development of our country qnd province. Regards, A concerned citizen of Ontario

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The fact that the Ford government is considering building on the green belt is so disheartening. He said he wouldn't, which was clearly a lie. So many offices in so many cities are sitting empty. They are perfect places for low income housing. This government is destroying our province. Lire davantage

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This is just another example of how the Ford government is driving Ontario into the ground. We are drowning in education, in health and in every aspect and on top of this the Ford government wants to take away environmentally protected land to help rich people get richer. It’s shameful.

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It was promised the green belt wouldn’t be touched and with the climate crisis that we are seeing now, why on earth would developing the green belt be beneficial. I wholeheartedly feel like the Greenbelt needs to be left alone, Doug Ford needs to stop. He’s ruining this province. Lire davantage

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I fully support the addition of lands to the Greenbelt, however I do not support the development of any additional homes in these areas. The suggested expansion is an excellent idea that is being proposed to fool people Lire davantage

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The province owns many, many buildings. Many are sitting empty or low vacancy. Why not delegate some of these underused properties for low income, affordable housing? Hands off the Greenbelt!! In the end, building here won’t provide service where needed and it is environmentally disastrous.

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Do not destroy the green belt it will endanger protected wildlife. It’ll increase the risk of flooding and devalue the property you want to build on it. This is a horrific way to make Ford’s buddies rich and does not address the housing crisis.

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This is the absolute worst thing that can be done to our province. It is short-sighted, it is irresponsible, and it is an outrage to the voters of Ontario who were promised in 2018 that the greenbelt would not be touched. We need to protect our greenbelt - it is important to the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am against the proposed amendments to the greenbelt plan. The proposed amendments will cause damage to flora and fauna in the regions that would be developed and diminish the overall health of the remaining greenbelt and its ecosystem. Lire davantage

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This plan is bad for the environment and the biodiversity of our province. Keep the green belt for my children and grandchildren. We need natural habitats protected for wildlife and our own survival. Stop this bill!!

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Please do not allow this to happen, the green belt needs to be protected. There are so many empty buildings all over the province that could be turned into high density affordable housing instead. Please do not break this promise to Ontario

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Please do not destroy any parts of the Greenbelt! There are abandoned buildings in all of the big cities sitting empty that could be renovated to create high density low income housing. Lire davantage