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Opening up the greenbelt for development is incredibly short sighted. As long as you continue to deny and do nothing about climate change and the myriad of environmental/social issues we face, our families will never cast a ballot for you.

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The Greenbelt was designed for a reason. Changing the rules to accommodate business interests defeats the entire purpose of creating a Greenbelt in the first place. It's time for politicians to start respecting our environment and health or they will no longer be getting my vote.

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The Greenbelt is an important part of Ontario’s natural beauty and its ecosystems. So many protected species live here, and the fact that this government wants to develop it into housing leaves me speechless. Lire davantage

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We cannot allow this to happen. Doug Ford is a monster. He cares not about this city. He ruins it a little more with each decision. We cannot allow him to use conservation land under any circumstances for his builder supporters. This property will not supply affordable housing. Lire davantage

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I’m reaching out as a concerned citizen. I am tired of watching the Ontario government attempting pass legislations that benefit solely the ‘friends’ pockets of the Ford government. We do not need more Million dollar homes in this province, we need affordable housing. Lire davantage

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There is so many better solutions that can help improve the housing situations without harming the valuable services the greenbelt ecosystems provide. For our children's, childrens sake. Please don't do this.

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Developing in the greenbelt is only going to make the problems in Ontario worse. In order to prepare for the future we have to learn to live with nature, not destroy it anymore. Instead why don’t we use buildings which are already in place or build upwards rather than out. Lire davantage

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This is unacceptable and shortsighted, such a change would cause permanent damage. Older individuals like Doug Ford might not have to suffer the consequences, but his children and grandchildren certainly will. “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

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Ford pledged to not build on the greenbelt, and specifically to not entertain land swaps in the greenbelt. This is breaking both of these promises, for something that the people of Hamilton specifically do not want and that is a giveaway to developers. Lire davantage

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Greenspace needs to be protected. Please do not steamroll municipalities and instead please focus on sustainable intensification near transit hubs rather than cutting down forests or paving over farmer's fields. This proposal is a travesty.