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Don’t disrupt the green belt. It was promised that this area will not be touched for development. Instead try to tackle the problem of foreign buyers renting out the houses and start faxing more on the rental income. There is no need to touch that. Lire davantage

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I am against the development of the green belt. It is suspicious how developers that have made donations to Fords campaign bought this land before this announcement. As well, it is shown that the outward expansion of cities cost taxpayers more money than building upwards. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt is home to multitudes of diverse wildlife, stripping this land for development would destroy the local ecosystem and cause an uptick in animals moving to the city. This means greater pests and more services needed to deal with them. Develop in land outside of the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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DO NOT do this!!! There were a lot of good reasons for adding protections to the greenbelt lands, and for doing it on lands close to the GTA. Once those lands are developed, there is no going back. Approving this particular land swap also sets an unwanted precedent for future swaps. Lire davantage

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Ford and MPs please don’t ruin the greenery we have here in Ontario. Save our space and our wilderness! Please stop this project and refocus our funds on healthcare system and education!

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We should build more high and medium density housing on existing lands before we go paving over the green belt. Maximize the usage of the space we already have and leave green spaces ALONE. Urban sprawl is a net loss for cities infrastructure, build up instead of out.

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We are limited in protected green spaces in Southern Ontario and from what I have seen firsthand, Northern Ontario is feeling this pressure too regarding resource extraction. Lire davantage

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This is the most obvious and blatant form of corruption so far in this government. The greenbelt was meant to protect the environment - not to ever have it repealed. What a waste of legislation if a government decides to un-do things for monetary gain. Just rididulous.

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Advantages of interactive land use management. Improvement of government support services Land use planning through stakeholder interaction results in rapid identification of priorities requiring government action. Lire davantage

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I would just like to voice that I am against this proposal. I can’t image losing such valuable green space for a solution that will not solve our housing issues. While it will create a few homes the damage it will do to one of Ontario greatest resources is not a good trade off. Lire davantage