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Farm land is a precious commodity. The your government’s plan to destroy it forever for the sake of building houses lacks intelligent thought and planning. Once this farm land has gone, it can never be recovered. The world is in turmoil. Food shortages are affecting more and more people every day. Lire davantage

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Farmers Feed Cities. We should not forget that our food comes from the farms and soil that need protection. As well as natural habitat for wildlife. Monarchs need Milkweed and song birds need trees. We cannot just build homes and take valuable soil that grows our food. Lire davantage

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The Corporation of the Township of North Huron

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Concerns noted by the Council of the Township of North Huron include: The opening up of scattered residential lot creation in the prime agricultural areas may: • increase conflict with modern farming practices, • increase MDS restrictions on the placement of new barns; Lire davantage

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The Corporation of the Town of Tecumseh

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Please find attached the Administrative Report which provides the Town's comments regarding the Proposed New Provincial Planning Statement 2023. This report was received by Town of Tecumseh Council at its May 23, 2023 Regular Council Meeting. Lire davantage

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Ontario Farmland Trust

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I am writing on behalf of the Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) to express our concerns regarding the proposed changes found in the proposed Provincial Policy Statement, 2023 (PPS 2023). Lire davantage

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Nith Valley EcoBoosters

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We are writing to express our concerns regarding the proposed changes in the Provincial Policy Statement and their impact on agricultural lands in the province. Lire davantage

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Ontario Farmland Trust

Statut du commentaire

I am writing on behalf of the Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) to express our concerns regarding the proposed changes found in the proposed Provincial Policy Statement, 2023 (PPS 2023). Lire davantage

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Ontario Farmland Trust

Statut du commentaire

I am writing on behalf of the Ontario Farmland Trust (OFT) to express our concerns regarding the proposed changes found in the proposed Provincial Policy Statement, 2023 (PPS 2023). Lire davantage

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RE: Agricultural Lot Severances, ERO #019-6813 for review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument Dear Minister Clark, Lire davantage

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I do not support the allowance for the creation of more rural residential lots on agricultural properies.

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Hello, Please find attached ERO 019-6813 Comment Letter on behalf of the West family, the owner of the lands located at the southeast corner of Shore Acres Drive and 20th Sideroad in the Town of Innisfil. Thank you Lire davantage

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I live in the Kitchener Waterloo area. Surrounding our city is some of the best farmland in North America. It doesn't make sense to build on the best farmland in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I certainly support this proposal, I currently am having severe difficulty severing a portion of my property in Grand Valley to permit two beautiful lots. I feel as if the town is punitively punishing me, while I’m trying to do the right thing. Best of luck

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Please see the attached letter within the google drive link. CJDL comments on draft PPS 2023 Regards, Trevor Benjamins Land Use Planner CJDL Lire davantage

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There needs to be some preservation of farmland and stop building on it . Your already doing this around Hamilton, stop it. No farmland, no food. 2. We don't need an mzo change at Nanticoke. Who wants to live next door to a steel mill??? Too many good paying jobs are at risk of being lost. Lire davantage

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I’m a 25 year old man, like many others my age am stressed about purchasing a house in the future. Allowing farmers to choose whether or not it’s in there best interest to build more homes on their farmers is the best interest for everyone. Lire davantage

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RE: Provincial Agricultural System, ERO #019-6813 for review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument Dear Minister Clark, Lire davantage

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With all due respect any change in policy through the new PPS which in any way diminishes, or allows Municipalities to diminish, existing Agricultural lands is not only shortsighted, but in fact is foolhardy. Lire davantage

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Farmers Feed Cities! Please consider the future of our food supply before approving more farmland being taken over by developers. Lire davantage