RE: ERO number 019-3471:…

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RE: ERO number 019-3471: Eliminating Renewable Energy Requirements
I am writing regarding the proposal to repeal provisions that prioritize renewable energy in the Electricity Act and Ontario Energy Board Act.

I strongly disagree with this proposal because Ontario needs to develop more renewable energy - a lot more - if we are to meet our climate targets and mitigate the dire effects of climate change. Renewable energy also makes sense from an economic perspective.

The recently-released International Energy Agency (IEA) report, "Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector," states that “Renewable energy technologies like solar and wind are the key to reducing emissions in the electricity sector, which is today the single largest source of CO2 emissions.”

Prioritizing the development of clean renewable energy – both within Ontario and by connecting Ontario to Quebec hydro power - is beneficial to Ontarians in numerous ways:

• Reducing electricity bills: According to the IEA, onshore wind and solar are now the lowest cost sources of new electricity supply in most countries, and these costs are projected to continue falling. Quebec Hydro power, at the offered cost of 5c per kwh, is also significantly cheaper than the 9.6c per kwh for nuclear energy (which is projected to rise to pay for the refurbishment of nuclear power plants).
• Providing job and educational opportunities: Renewable energy sources are the energy systems of the future. Young people in Ontario should have the same opportunity as their global peers to train for the jobs they will provide.
• Attracting investors and talent: By prioritizing renewable energy, Ontario could position itself as a clean energy leader. However, if it fails to do so, while other jurisdictions such as the United States invest trillions in renewable energy, Ontario will fall further and further behind.
• Providing health benefits: Investment in renewable energy will reduce air pollution, thereby improving the health of communities across Ontario and reducing public health expenditures.
• Enabling Ontario to play its part in ensuring that Canada reaches its new climate target of 45% emission reductions by 2030 and net-zero by 2050: We cannot meet these crucial targets without a significant increase in renewable energy in Ontario.

Given all these benefits, I urge the provincial government to reconsider its proposal to eliminate provisions that prioritize renewable energy. For the sake of all Ontarians, and particularly the children of Ontario, it is crucial that our province prioritize a clean energy future!