As a former volunteer for Wildlife Preservation Canada (WPC) on the Ojibway Prairie Reptile Recovery program, and as a reptile researcher, I support the governments initiative for the "implementation of population management actions at the Ojibway Prairie Complex and the Wainfleet Bog subpopulations." This component is critical to the survival of these unique sub-populations and must be initiated as soon as possible. During my time as a volunteer with WPC, I found that the public near the Ojibway Prairie population was generally positive and receptive to their continued co-existence with the Massasauga, and with other at-risk snakes in the area. The local public, the scientific community, and various governments have invested in this species, and in these populations specifically. It would be a poor return on investment to not see this effort to a positive conclusion, especially when facilities and expertise are already present within the province (Toronto Zoo and its partners). Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to comment on this response statement.
Submitted October 5, 2018 11:08 PM
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Development of government response statements for five species at risk under the Endangered Species Act, 2007
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