The proposal to remove or restrict bikelanes is foolish for a number of reasons, all backed by years of research data. I will list the reasons I vehemently oppose the province meddling in municipal affairs.
1. Removal will result in two things: cyclists will either take convoluted, inefficient routes, or they'll take the route which previously had a bikelane and now does not, increasing the likelihood of collision with motor vehicles/injury, death. With this bill the government is telling cyclists it either doesn't care about their time, or doesn't care about their life.
2. This is a waste of provincial time and resources. Why is someone in Timmins paying to remove bike lanes in Ottawa or Toronto? This also strips municipalities of what little autonomy they still have.
3. Only a Communist would support an ideological, centralized government making top-down, broad-stroke decisions for individual communities.
4. Never before anywhere in the world at any time in history did a bike lane contribute to congestion. Sprawl, poor mass transit, and unsafe cycling infrastructure all contribute massively, however.
5. This is the opposite of conservatism. I am a conservative which is why I not only support protected bike lanes, but am a cyclist myself. Bike lanes are incredibly cheap to build compared to other infrastructure, and cyclists cost the public the least in terms of infrastructure maintenance. Cycling is the most efficient form of transportation in terms of people moved and space needed. Cycling is the most inexpensive form or transportation, and cyclists are able to reroute or detour or take paths one simply cannot do in a motor vehicle (more freedom cycling). Cycling and protected bikelanes are all perfect examples of conservatism: community autonomy, self-sufficiency, cost effectiveness, value for dollar, freedom.
Soumis le 22 octobre 2024 10:25 AM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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