Bicycle lanes ease congestion by getting people out of their cars year around. Safer the bicycle lane the more people use it. (Paint and plastic posts do not make safe bicycle lane). Bicycles are smaller and more efficient moving though cities and do not cause congestion so you rarely see more than a few at a time, even though many more bicycles pass through an area than cars in the same time period. If this bill passes we will have worst congestion in our cities in a few years and there is no amount of extra lanes that will fix it (see induced demand). Only fast and efficient transit with dedicated lanes and bus first traffic signaling as well as bicycle lanes will.
Soumis le 23 octobre 2024 3:12 AM
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Projets de loi 212 – Loi de 2024 sur le désengorgement du réseau routier et le gain de temps - Cadre en matière de pistes cyclables nécessitant le retrait d’une voie de circulation.
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