This bill as proposed is an…


This bill as proposed is an unjustified, cruel, and fruitless approach to traffic management which will endanger the lives of cyclists and pedestrians across the province. Not only are bike lanes proven to reduce congestion, they are incredible for accessing main street businesses, public health, and air quality, among other things. Removing existing, popular bike routes in Toronto will simply force cyclists into mixed traffic with cars on the main road, which will increase points of conflict and further slow down traffic - something that neither drivers nor cyclists want. There isn't a single point of data the province has put forward to show conclusively that bike lanes have caused congestion to build up in this city, and tearing them off of Bloor and University will only induce more car traffic and worsen congestion in the core. At a time when most advanced metropolitan centres are moving towards expanding rapid transit, walkability and cycling routes (see Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London etc.), Ontario cannot afford to move in the wrong direction and double down on inefficient car traffic.