I am writing to express my…


I am writing to express my objections to this bill, which requires provincial

- The province is willing to waste our tax payer dollar ripping up already existing infrastructure.
- This bill adds unnecessary layers of red-tape to the approval process
- This bill ignores the democratic will of the Toronto populace who in the last election voted for politicians who are generally pro-bike lane. Yes, cities are the creature of the province, but I do not want MPPs from other parts of the province voting on infrastructure that they will ultimately never use
- There is little to no evidence that bike lines are the cause of congestion. In fact, as detailed in a recent CBC article (which I've attached below), bike lines encourage a shift in modality that is much more efficient in terms of space taken. Yes, we get winters, but as we see in cities like Montreal, Canadians are willing to bike if the necessary infrastructure is there. And Toronto is much warmer than Montreal!
- Bike lanes are important for the safety of cyclist. There are still too many cyclist which die every year on the roads of Toronto. Bike lines are an important way to improve the safety of all road users