Study after study after…


Study after study after study has already found that bike lanes improve traffic congestion in the long run. Numerous studies have found that adding car infrastructure like highways and lanes, and wider roads only induces more people to drive, making traffic worse.

This government claims to be opposed to red tape and is introducing more unnecessarily. This government claims to care about people's time and improving people's commute and is trying to pass legislation that will make things worse. It's completely non-sensical and a waste of time and effort. I'm embarrassed to be represented by this government. The facts and statistics and studies are all there.

Stop trying to take us backwards and let people choose how they want to safely move through their city. Safer cycling infrastructure means more people riding bikes. More people riding bikes means fewer people in cars. Fewer cars on the road means less congestion and better traffic flow. Enough of this nonsense. Do better.