This Bill embodies many…


This Bill embodies many things that the Ford office has stood for throughout its tenure. It represents a horrible regression in policy and legislation, as well as a grossly irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars and public servant resources. Not to mention the downstream labour overhead requirements for municipalities within the province if passed. This bill expresses Fords disregard for Ontarian's who are unable to drive due to financial, or accessible reasons. It also will not solve the congestion problem and there is no meed to elaborate on this. The notion that car is king is something that needs to be phased out for a plethora of reasons not limited to our emissions commitments as a country tied to our ability to address the climate crisis, solving the traffic problem in our cities, addressing the chronic illness crisis western nations are experiencing, and restoring vibrant communities. This bill is a step back in the wrong direction. While so many cities around the world are moving towards developing active and alternative transportation, Doug Ford is single handedly pushing Ontario backwards.

To summarize, this bill will not address the problem its attempting to solve, it excludes a significant part of the population of Ontario, will put burden on the already tight budgets of municipalities, is an irresponsible use of taxpayer dollars and public servant labour, is moving on the wrong side of progress, will hinder our ability to address the climate crisis, and just downright doesn’t make any sense.

I urge this party to not consider this bill.